As the people of God who live in the world of economical, relational, political and social problems, what is the role of faith communities as a whole? Are we to believe we are as powerless in this world? Do we sit back in a fearful stance and ring our hands with no hope? Do we have a God who isn’t interested in helping and has left us to fend for ourselves? So many questions run through our minds in times of un-certainty.
I had a dream a while ago and in it, these people were caught up with a book that was being passed around and they were all bewitched with its power. All of a sudden, I knew the name of the book. It was entitled ‘The Lost Art of Begging”. It was very apparent that they were all under its power. Could this be a strong delusion that a lot of God’s people are under? I was speaking at a meeting recently and out of my mouth blurted; “It’s time for The Solution to be applied to the eyes of the Body of Christ”; it was a forceful proclamation and I knew I had to ponder what I heard. My prayerful pondering has made me ask, ‘Are we as the people of God, trapped in some un-righteous realm that has us in captivity to ‘The Lost Art of Begging’? Are we trapped in a vortex of error, that keeps us not knowing who we are and the power made available to us as ‘sons & daughters’ of a Royal Power of righteousness to decree into things around our world and see transformation of the Kingdom kind? Where are the “Solutionists” who haven’t allowed the log jams of disasters and collapses to possess their vision? They have had eye salve applied to their ‘perceiver’ and decree solutions to all spheres of society. We have to pursue the LORD to bring us out of all un-righteous realms and influences, so we can see answers come to the godlessness running through the veins and hearts of the Cities/Nations. Oh Father in Heaven, turn on the ‘Light of Your Son’ to show us how to come out from amongst the influences of darkness to be free Light Bearing and Light Breathing Solutionists to a decaying world around us. Larry Pearson
You are coming up the mountain. Well done, My beloved! You have not shrunk back like the people of old. I bless your hunger for Me. I bless your hunger to see. I bless your hunger that is of Me. You have not quenched that hunger but are learning to embrace Me. Many have not. Many are content to have the thinking, “Moses you go and we will obey.” You are of the Throne-Room company. I am choosing from all over the earth. I am choosing to upgrade My sons and daughters to a class of a higher learning university; a higher grade for many are passing into a new level of learning. You are My Company for breakthrough. As you go, the rest of the army will come. They will come. Be not distracted by the ones on the fence for an hour will come when they will smell the fragrances of the breakthrough and they will come. Be not distracted, for they will come. Your purpose is at hand. Your purpose is to be with Me. Where I am, you are also. As I am in heaven, so you are in the earth. You are full of power and authority. You are full of wisdom and understanding. Let go of the ‘lack’ mindset. Let go of the saying ‘you have not’. Come up, I have a new seat; a new room. I have a new broom. It is a golden broom. It represents My holy nature. It will displace the ungodly nature. Where you go, I will go. Well done! Do not get stuck in what is old. Do not get stuck in old defaults of ‘business as usual’. Some of you may have to let go of your favorite formula. Take care that it does not become a moldy method. A moldy method becomes rancid. Discern My life on what tool to you should use. Discern the life-flow. My life is in your belly. New whirlwinds are coming, just for you; that which you have searched for. The blood, sweat and tears have paid much for a breakthrough. Those unrighteous barriers that have been exalted around you are being displaced. He is turning things around. As we see the gate of ‘Cross Over’ and behold the radiant glory, you will perceive with your heart and be changed into a very wealthy people. It is not a wealth to build empires but you will be builders of My people. I am restoring the true temple. The true temple is not made by brick and mortar. Behold My radiant glory and everything will be turned to gold as you lay hold of that golden broom to sweep My house clean. These are days of habitation for I am longing to make you My dwelling place where I can remain. For those who have ears, let them hear for they will become a habitation for the glory of God. Larry Pearson Testing 2
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AuthorLarry is a Minister whose revelatory message focuses on Father God's love and embracing our authentic spiritual sonship. Being mentored in the Seer and Discernment giftings for over 2 decades, Larry has been on a journey of learning to govern with the Spirit of Christ from spiritual realms.