God gave us an amazing promise which is that through much tribulation, we enter the kingdom of God.
We must remember to praise and thank God in everything, not just the good things but also for the trials and the tribulations. It’s not a favourite scripture that we place on our fridges but it’s the King’s promise and purpose that somehow, in the glorious, magnificent, awesome Father’s intention for each and every one of us, tribulation is part of the package of being citizens of the other realm, the Kingdom of God. Ofcourse, it is not only through much tribulation that we enter the kingdom; this is just one of many ways. Larry Pearson
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AuthorLarry is a Minister whose revelatory message focuses on Father God's love and embracing our authentic spiritual sonship. Being mentored in the Seer and Discernment giftings for over 2 decades, Larry has been on a journey of learning to govern with the Spirit of Christ from spiritual realms.